Hello, I’m yawaflua,
backend coder and devops engineer




SP-Donate is a platform that makes donations easier for players SP universe. We offer a simple and intuitive interface where users can make donations in just a few clicks.


Skins API

Web API that generates parts of Minecraft skins similar to visage.surgeplay.com. Used in the SpDonate donation service for few months.


This site API

Web-API, used in dev-builds of this site. In project used S3 AWS, .NET 8, EF, ASP and Authorization by JWT. In this moment only pre-dev mode.



··class AboutMe
······public string name = "Dima \"yawaflua\" Andreev";
······public string[] pronounces = ["he", "him"];
······public string availableForHire = true;
······public string speciality = ".NET/Vue/Django Full-stack developer and Dev-Ops Engineer.";
······public Dictionary<Anknowledges, object> skills =
······new() {
··········DevOps, "AWS, CI/CD, Docker( + compose)",
··········Languages, ["C#/C++", "Python", "JS/TS", "Java"],
··········Frameworks, ["ASP/.NET", "Vue.js","Django/Flask",],
··········Other, ["Postman/Swagger", "Minecraft Plugins", "Vercel"],
······public string professionalExperience = "1-2 years of working on freelance, less than a year of work at DiamondStudio";
······public string[] projects =
··········string Lava.Net = "Lava.NET is library for working with lava.ru API",
··········string SPWorldWrapper = "SPWorldsWrapper is a library, working with spworlds.ru site as user, not api";
··········string SPSale = "SPSale - online-market, created to make sells in internet easily. Only for SP universe.";
······} //комментарий
······public string[] Contacts =
··········"tg = \"@yawaflua_biz\"",
··········"mail = \"[email protected]\"",
······public string goalsAndAmbitions = "Learning React and html layouting. Get hired from BigTech company";
······public string[] socialNetworks =
··········"github = \"@yawaflua\"",
··········"telegram = \"@yawaflua_biz\"",
··········"Twitch = \"yawaflua\"",

@yawaflua - 2024